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Emotional changes are common after a brain injury

Nov 6, 2020 | Catastrophic Personal Injury

A traumatic brain injury can have a host of impacts on a victim. While some of these are physical, there are also some emotional changes that might come after an injury of this type. Coping with the emotional impacts of the TBI can be rather difficult, and they may also affect the individuals who are close to the victim.

It’s possible that the person’s emotions might come and go very quickly and intensely. In many cases, these emotional changes won’t last forever. As the brain heals, the effects might become less and less severe.

There are many ways that the TBI might impact the person’s emotional health. Some individuals will begin to experience anxiety or depression. Anxiety is a feeling of nervousness that’s not proportional to the circumstances at hand. Depression is a persistent feeling of sadness that can progressively get worse.

Emotional outbursts are also possible. The person may have mood swings. They might be happy one minute and then angry the next. There might not be a reason for these changes. It can be difficult for loved ones to deal with these outbursts, but it might help for them to remember that the person isn’t trying to make life more challenging. Instead, they are trying to cope with the impacts of the TBI.

Anyone who suffered a TBI needs to ensure they get the medical care they need after the injury. This might include mental health care. This can be costly, so covering the expenses that come with it will quickly become a priority. If another person’s negligence led to the injury, you may opt to pursue a claim for compensation in civil court to help cover the damages related to the TBI.

Note: This accident news post is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Secondary sources are used to create this post. While all efforts are made to ensure accuracy, no guarantee is given. Please contact Maloney-Lyon, LLC to correct anything inaccurate about this accident. All readers should consult legal professionals for specific legal guidance. The publisher and contributors disclaim liability for any actions taken based on the information provided. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s views.

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